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Edna Bockwoldt Johnson

About Edna

Here’s a brief description about Edna from her son Nicholas Johnson:

“My father, Wendell Johnson met my mother, Edna, at the University of Iowa. Born in 1905, she had also grown up on a family farm — one of three girls near Galva, Iowa. At the University she further developed her abilities as a talented poet and dancer, and probably became, if anything, Dad’s academic better. I returned to Iowa City from Washington in 1980, in largest measure to be with her following her cancer surgery. It was some of our best time together. She died peacefully at home in 1989, still quoting poetry at length and exhibiting her wry humor until the end.” ~ Nicholas Johnson

Early 1900s Childhood

Below is an essay sharing some reflections of childhood in the early 1900s. Thanks of Joshua Eskin for taking time to interview Edna and write the following. The document is also available as a four-page PDF file to view or download. [View]