Snow Day Solution

Nicholas Johnson

Iowa City Gazette, Opinion/Letters, February 18, 2001, p. 10A

Tired of snow day stress? Weary of never knowing whether school is delayed, cancelled or let out early or whether the kids are safe? Looking anxiously at those end-of-year make-up days?

There is a solution.

Like most of life’s solutions, it has its down side.

The answer: Abandon the 100-year-old Agricultural Age school schedule. Try year-round schools. At least as an option, a choice, for students, parents and teachers.

Research the last 10 years’ weather records. Find the 45 consecutive days with the most snow. Average them out. Make that six-week block our schools’ “winter break.”

Would that eliminate all snow days? No, but almost all of them. In the process, we would save most of the $1 million increase in the schools’ heating bill. And the research data indicates we’d get academic advantages as well.

The down side? Some families would have to shift summer vacation plans. Even the coolest block of summer days would require additional air conditioners.

Just an idea. Something we can choose to do or not.

But snow day stress is not inevitable.