Nick Johnson


School Board

This is the official Web page for the Iowa City Community School District (ICCSD) Board of Directors Campaign of Nick Johnson of Iowa City, Iowa.  The ICCSD includes the cities of Coralville, Hills, Iowa City and North Liberty.  The election is Tuesday, September 8, 1998.  [This page was first posted July 3, 1998; it will continue to evolve between then and election day, so come back often!] 
Hear/Leave Message: 626-2088   Fax on Demand: 626-1433   Postal: Box 1876, Iowa City IA 52244
Home phone: 337-5555   E-mail:   (Area Code: 319)

Looking for Answers?  Click on Your Question Below

Why is he doing it? What does he offer? Who is Nick Johnson?
When is the election? How can I vote from home? How can I help? Contribute?
Who is eligible to vote?
What did Nick write about K-12 education before he thought about running for School Board?

Why is he doing it?

Nick Johnson is running for School Board to Our district schools have been good, but we can do better -- and with Nick on the School Board we will!

What does he offer?

Nick Johnson will bring to the School Board

Who is Nick Johnson?

Nick Johnson is: Like to know more about Nick?  You can examine his entry in Who's Who in America or read a longer bio, activities reports and a 300-plus-page bibliography online.  There's even more linked from his main Web page.

Once there, under "Recent Publications" you'll find much of what he's written and said during the past 18 months or so.

So if you'd like to find out more of what Nick Johnson had to say about K-12 education before he gave thought to running for School Board, you might find it useful to look at one or more of the following from that list:

Who is eligible to vote?

To vote in the School Board election September 8th you must be registered to vote in Johnson County, Iowa, and reside within the Iowa City Community School District.  (In general, the District includes the cities of Coralville, Hills, Iowa City and North Liberty.)  The precinct polling places where you will vote may be different from those you use in other elections.  If you are not yet a registered voter, or have questions about whether you live in the District, or where you should vote, give our campaign office a call, 626-2088, or contact the office of County Auditor Tom Slockett at 356-6004.

When is the election?

Vote Tuesday, September 8, 1998!

Nick says: 

"Set an example of democracy for our kids:  Vote September 8th -- and take a child with you to the polls." 

Challenge:  help us double the 1997 School Board election turnout of 5%."

Of course, the Nick Johnson for School Board Campaign asks you to vote for its candidate, believes that you should, and hopes that you will.  But as much as we want your vote, we would rather you vote for one of our opponents than not vote at all.  Voting helps strengthen democracy, sets a good example for school-age children -- and enhances your constitutional right to gripe!  Mark September 8 on your calendar now:  the first Tuesday in September, the day after Labor Day.  

 How can I . . .

Vote without leaving home!

Voting is easy.  Give our office a call -- 626-2088.  We'll see to it that you get an absentee ballot request form, and take it to the County Auditor's office for you if you wish.  You do not need to be "absent" (from Iowa City) to vote "absentee."  The ballot will be sent sometime around the middle of August to the mailing address you request.  Vote in the privacy of your own home, insert the ballot in the secret envelope, and mail (or carry) it to the Auditor's office (the address will be on a pre-printed envelope).  It couldn't be easier.

If you wish, you may vote at the office of County Auditor Tom Slockett at any time prior to the election.

Of course, if you are going to be out of town, or otherwise unable to get to the polls, on September 8 -- it's the Tuesday after Labor Day -- then it is especially important to make arrangements to vote absentee.  

 How can I help?

Become a supporter!

Give us your name, address, day and evening phone, and e-mail address along with your agreement to cast your vote for Nick Johnson.  The ultimate purpose of any campaign is to (1) find supporters, and (2) see to it that they vote.  This campaign is no different.  We believe that an active democracy makes for a good community, and have set a goal of doubling the number of people who normally vote in School Board elections.  Finding that number of people takes time and money.  You can save us both by becoming a supporter today:


Join us as a volunteer in this exciting campaign!  There's something for everyone.  You can:


All campaigns require money for mailings, yard signs, and dozens of things nobody thought of ahead of time.  The job of School Board member pays nothing.  So the campaign needs your contribution.  If you are able and inclined to help us out in this way, make your check payable to:  Nick Johnson for School Board, and mail it to:  Box 1876, Iowa City IA 52244.

And remember what "Emily's List" stands for:  Early Money Is Like Yeast -- it helps make the dough rise!  Don't wait.  This is a short campaign.  We need the money now.  If you're going to help us out, the earlier the better.  And, "it helps make the dough rise" -- it helps us raise money from others later. 

Thank you for stopping by!

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