[Return to Nicholas Johnson's Web page, nicholasjohnson.org, or the blog, FromDC2Iowa.blogspot.com.]
Frances Riecken
Frances Ruth Riecken

September 28, 1916


April 9, 2011

Frannie Riecken On Pottery: "I don't consider it finished until someone uses it, whether it's filled with food or flowers, whether it's providing sustenance for the body or the spirit."  [From an interview in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 1996]

"The Frances Riecken Memorial Gathering" Program:

[The front panel was the second photo in the album, below; the second panel contained the quote from Frannie, above; the back panel was the first photo in the album.]

Frannie Riecken Photo Album:

https://picasaweb.google.com/NicholasIowa/FranRiecken110723 [Google Picasa is no longer available]


"Because Frannie responded so personally and individually to people, everyone got to know her in a differently.  We — my sisters, Susan and Anne, and I — knew her as the mother that so many of our friends wished that they could have had.  And some of those friends adopted her as a second mother in one way or another.  Without ever planning it, we watch our mother develop as an artist, mentor, mother and example for ourselves and others around us. . . ." MORE -- Gilson Riecken
"There are a few pots in the back of the room, they are some of the last pots that Frannie made and fired. Their unusual finish comes from them being coated with ash and refired in a Japanese-style wood-fired kiln. That ash was some of Frannie's ashes. Now, let me tell you the story. . . ." MORE -- Diane Levinson

"My first memory of Frannie was when I was a small boy. She was standing in our living room and smiling down at me. She could have been in her twenties for all I know now. But boys my age saw humanity as either children or grownups, and she was clearly a grownup. My limited experience with older women was that most seemed to ignore little boys, unless they were scolding them. Whenever I drifted out of sight, one of my mother�s favorite lines to anyone handy was, 'Go see what Nicky is doing and tell him to stop it.' . . ."MORE -- Nicholas Johnson

The Frances Riecken Memorial Gathering Invitation:

[The front panel was the last picture in the album, above; the back panel was the first picture in the album.]