Rain forest: World-class project

Dean Hemesath

Letters, Des Moines Register

October 11, 2004

It was exciting to see the Sept. 19 article refer to the scientific and research opportunities that will be presented by the Iowa Environmental Project ("Science, Engineering Professors Take an Interest in Rain Forest").

Working with the University of Iowa to conduct research in water quality, alternative-energy systems and how best to educate children on the environment will attract and retain young talent and generate grant revenue.

With the quality of lakes and rivers in the world deteriorating, the clearing of forests and the energy problems we face, this is our opportunity to work toward solving some of these issues.

Ted Townsend and David Oman have put together a team that will ensure the Iowa Environmental Project will be a world-class attraction, a place of learning and a place that will make a difference in the world.

-Dean Hemesath,
Cedar Rapids